The Scott Scheper Podcast

Personal Knowledge Management: "Wikilinks" are Nearly Useless. What You Want are Hard Links.

August 14, 2021 Scott Scheper Episode 207
The Scott Scheper Podcast
Personal Knowledge Management: "Wikilinks" are Nearly Useless. What You Want are Hard Links.
Show Notes Transcript

Personal Knowledge Management: "Wikilinks" are Nearly Useless. What You Want are Hard Links.

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Hey what's up front welcome back to another episode of the daily  today's episode is number two oh seven coming to you live from Little Italy San Diego California on a Saturday at seven twenty four PM yep that's right seven twenty four PM every single day I ship no excuses period supp. What we are going to talk about today and dive into unlike other podcasts I'm not going to have some author guest speaker in your present to you some infotainment bull crap you're actually gonna get tidbits and early pieces of my work and the current thing that I am obsessed with revolves around the concept in information science and building your own essentially your own analog personal internet for your brain and doing so in a specific way in which it is taught every single place that you go online improperly. 

If you do it in a specific way that it's meant to be done it will unlock and unleash a second wind. It will essentially make you seem like a super genius to people who talk to you. And yesterday where I left off was talking about some of the things that the analog nature and the structure of. Well. Your internet which is my preferred term for that'll cost in which is the German term for no box and if you're just tuning in now he got a lot of catching up to do so listen to the past few episodes and we were about to touch into this part and I'm going to pick up on it where I specially left off. 

And. Here's the thing with analog it with analog systems there is no full text search you can't type something into Google to search for something or the search box or use regular expressions if you get lost there is no safety net and you know it. That's the important part so laziness in other words is not an option. And. That's a good thing because. You don't want to have a system wherein you know. That. You can just. Create things and very very very easily and skirt the edges. 

You see. When you create no card links meaning links between different note card ideas in your internet. Doing so is not easy they are hard. And you cannot be distracted while doing such you can not and are not of the same mind you are in when you are creating hyperlinks for example were creating links or wiki links within documents on digital. Note taking apps which is basically digital minded malware. No card links are hard links hard links require life energy or else they never exist. 

This is why you should prefer and opt for a system that possesses them. Why. Because you will actually take links seriously in your notes. In your thoughts when you're reviewing your material. When you follow hard links you embark into the truest essence of your mind. And allow me to illustrate. You see. A hard link on for example risk the concept of risk will lead you to a branch on transformation of risk for instance like how it's transformed over time. 

And keep in mind let's say let's just say that you remember and you recall relating a hard link vaguely you know like seven years ago on risk much longer than you remember and this is something that you essentially. You will remember and will be stamped into your mind. For a much longer period of time then. You're used to remembering things if. You're currently creating thoughts or notes digitally. Because a link is not a link to a digital link is not a hard link it could be argued that really a digital ink is not even a real link meaning if by the term real we employ the dictionary definition of it being quote a fixed or unmovable thing something in physical space in reality that's where real estate comes from right. 

Now. It's not to say that. The information. Created digitally right. Is not genuine. It's just not tangible it's not real and even though we've evolved very rapidly to process digital information. To a large degree cognitive Kerr neuroscience essentially tells us that. Our brains. Are still trying to catch up and figure out what the hell are we doing and where our tribe is and you know. Why are we not in a cave hiding from a saber tooth tiger. So. 

Let's jump back to hard links which is creating links on notecards that actually reference you to a fixed ID any tree like system which is the anti net. When you follow the hard link to the transformation of risk a secondary conversation emerges in your mind and it takes you back to that baby dream like period of time from months or years prior meeting. When you look up risk you're like okay I I remember at least having an entry in here for risk in my mind but let's follow it it then takes you to a transformation of risk subject right and then a secondary conversation emerges in your mind. 

Okay meeting. Well there's a dialogue within a dialogue when you're actively thinking okay. And. When this secondary conversation emerges in your own essentially secondary mind and from your secondary mind. It takes you back to that dream like period of time from months or years prior I want to state that again. So it'll take you back to a time where you're kind of like you picture this memory the stream like state of where you left. And you are essentially transported to the scene almost as if you were a ghost. 

And. You just transport into it. And there you are staring at the setting the scene. Maybe you picture yourself in it. And it's that time that perhaps you were still in school or perhaps it was very early on in your writing career at that certain job your first job you know the first summer job out of college that that boring summer. And let's say you are suddenly back in that setting where you were when you created the thought. Perhaps it's a a gray a fall concrete November day when you were in the library when you created the thought on the transformation of risk or risk right. 

Or perhaps it was a beautiful sunny day you were out and enjoying. Coffee in our chilling out in a nice setting in the sun. Somehow not sweating all over your new card in your paper notes that you were creating. And. Suddenly. Your. Having a conversation with that part of you with that part of your mind your second mind essentially. And simultaneously as this conversation is going on in your second mind. You see that the area of your anti not that you are now in a now navigating into. 

Is in the branch that you created for your work on let's say systems theory. That's all I do you think yourself. I don't recall. Writing of risk during that period of my life. You may think yourself like I do recall being fascinated by systems theory during that time. But. You. I do not recall at all. Having. Systems theory. Involving anything to do with risk for the transformation of risk which you're like wait what is this and it starts to come back to you. 

And you of course remember the time that you were working on systems theory because it. It was probably a fascination of yours and it took up a ton of time. In that period of your life. The one that you can picture the one that you can imagine. And. What you then start to do is you begin following more stems and more leaves and more thoughts nearby. And you discover another surprise. You come across a stepmother stem of a thought another essentially leaf in your knowledge tree. 

And. By leaf I mean a notecard. And. This no card points you to a list of concepts noteworthy concepts it says and claims in their relation to risk. It says. The concept of of truth and science are at this. No card ID this numbered ID. And the concepts of money and power all right this. No card ID. And. It also points you to a notecard ID on the concept of death which is odd like wait like what is this and you can see that. Each of those entries each of those entries I've just listed were written in different colored ink maybe different style of handwriting so they were essentially evolved over the past. 

However long it's been since you wrote this down. And. It says check out those concepts to learn more about the concept of risk. You then ask yourself. What the hell like what does this stuff have to do with risk. Yet. Yeah press on. You follow the path you chase your thoughts down the uniquely one of a kind crazy rabbit hole structure that is your mind that has evolved over time organically. Something that has not been. Refactored and reorganized and deleted and restructured a million times which is what the digital format allows us to do now. 

It's something that morphed and evolved. According to your mind. And. When you look up the first concept let's say truth in science you encounter a very relevant concept on risk. And that concept is uncertainty let's say. You then notice the same concept of uncertainty sprout up within well the safety at work and money is power money and power money is power. You notice. How death directly ties to risk as well as it is the. Ultimate uncertainty piece hanging over our heads. 

So you see what's just happened here. All of a sudden you're having this conversation with your second mind. And. It's almost as if they were to. Mines. Connecting in communicating at the very same time simultaneously. You're not just having a conversation of. Where can I find this your search term item right and then just seeing a highlighted. The list of results and. L. Helvetica Neue font or aerial that shows you in highlighted. Format digitally what you have just searched no that is not what the second mind is that is not what Niklas Luhmann created and that is not what he discovered. 

What you have just done in this instance. Is you have begun to have this secondary conversation. With that part of you with another part of your mind from years prior. And. Your current mind here primary mind in your head is actively having a dialogue and exploring new possibilities and new connections and new random. Ways to combine. This thought with what you're really thinking about now as it. Applies to risk. And. You're certainly also reminded and refreshed about all of this stuff even the fact that you're in systems theory and that systems theory. 

Currently has a lot to do with risk which. Is a lot more fun and a lot more enjoyable way of. Refreshing on old information and. Refreshing and learning. New thoughts compared to just the random recall bull crap techniques of randomly forcing yourself to. Thank you a daily email or view random notecards on a daily basis I mean. Yeah you can have the will power and force used yourself to do that but it's a chore. And. When you're doing this it's enjoyable and your refreshing on topics that are now very relevant to you. 

And suddenly for the first time during all of this you start to actually see. All of the dots begin to connect. And since these thoughts were created organically bit by bit thought by thought over years. They needed time to synthesize they needed time to grow kind of like the photosynthesis in plants that we touched on yesterday. In yesterday's episode about the concept of persistence. Persistence in botany and zoology entries. Yet as organic structures tend to be and as it applies to your mind. 

But they're stronger and anti fragile. When compared to thoughts. And the stems of thoughts and insights formed over a brief window of time. Where in for instance let's say you're working on a book in you just save a new draft every single day and you do not have. An anti net you don't know you do not have a second behind you have not done it the hard way. Sure you can seem to make a lot of progress in get a lot of things done. Quicker than you normally would well especially in comparison to someone that actually. 

Writes by hand. But that doesn't mean that what you're creating. Is worth a shit. It doesn't mean that what you're creating has any quality or value that is unique or insightful or genius level that will actually last beyond the time that you exit this planet. If you are banking on just creating a book by reading a bunch of other related books or similar books and highlighting them and then having some ideas that you want to get out on paper and starting a word document sure. 

You can enjoy some. Business commercial success. In the modern popular day in H. But it's synthetic. And it will be short lived and it's indefensible meaning. Your book will sell justice. Long as your fifteen minutes of. Well podcast for fame hasn't dried up yet and your PR team in. Your social media team. Isn't. She hasn't yet shifted essentially to the next. Synthetic. Shitty junk food type of pop culture science book that has been published and is all the rage you know not even just science but any any nonfiction. 

So. What you have instead created and it's a lot more. Fun to do this is you've created a genius level work the slow way the hard way in a way that it has. Evolved almost like a tree and it is evolved in the short term when you are getting your thoughts out on paper which is the best way to actually get through and clarify your thinking is by writing by hand so you've got that in the short term but also in the long term because of the tree structure in the evolutionary organic. 

System that is the internet. You've also evolved over time in such a way that it could not be duplicated by any of those other two weeks that are trying to bust out a ton of digital. Note content bull crap that is just surface level junk food. You see. What you have just heard. Only demonstrates the power of hard links in hard linking essentially deliberate thought linking. And. You must also take notice of this. Deliberate thought linking is not the same as wiki links. 

Hard links are not easy links they are not hyperlinks between documents they are not wiki links. Which. Really are just trivial junk food. Links that just add more distraction to your mind they take a fraction of the effort they take a fraction of the time. And as a result they are never neuro imprinted. Into your mind wherein they're done in such a way that you can actually remember that you created an entry for fear or for risk or for. Any concept or for systems theory right any concepts like ten years from now. 

You get that when you do hard linking. And. You will note that it's not the relations of relations. Of what makes the. Anti net. And that this type of note taking system powerful. Rather it's specifically. Something else. It's something prepended before the term relations. What is this mysterious term. Well it's something that you Hans Schmidt used and even if you do some digging an investigation and Nicolas lumens digital archives you can even find him. 

Specifying what it is. Themself. What is this term what is this specific type of relations of relations that lumen. Outlined as the key thing that makes your internet your second mind. A system that unlocks increase genius level work. Well friend. That. Is what you're gonna find out tomorrow. So without further ado I must always advise you to stay crispy my friend. Kick ass take names. And while. No. That Scott shepherd is horrible at ending podcasts. 

Scott you ever signing off seven forty seven post radium on a Saturday peace and love see you tomorrow.