The Scott Scheper Podcast

Here’s the Truth on Whether the Creator of Zettelkasten Would Use Digital or Analog (If Alive Today)

August 08, 2021 Scott Scheper Episode 201
The Scott Scheper Podcast
Here’s the Truth on Whether the Creator of Zettelkasten Would Use Digital or Analog (If Alive Today)
Show Notes Transcript

Here’s the Truth on Whether the Creator of Zettelkasten Would Use Digital or Analog (If Alive Today)

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Hey what's up front welcome back to another episode of the daily Scott shepherd. Now when one is tempted to think that if lumen were alive today and yes we're gonna be talking about Niklas Luhmann and creating your own anti net your own analog. Three like structured idea network interconnected network or your. You can call acronym. Anything you want. Analog thinking internet whatever the bottom line is it's analog and it's a thinking tree like structure which enables you to create genius level work. 

And the creator of that is a guy named Nicolas Luman. And yes we are going to be talking about this in the subject because who I'm talking to caters to well the person that cares about creating genius level work. And growing it is committed to growth so we're not going to talk about the latest. Cryptocurrency token that is some kind of meme coined like us not to checkpoint but whatever is the newer instantiation and. Basically the hard version of the latest crypto out there we're not gonna talk about we're not gonna talk about speculative bull crap what I'm going to teach you is the hard stuff the boring stuff the stuff that well while everyone is busy jerking off to crypto currency prices in well. 

Trying to mask their own inferiority and self esteem issues. You and me my friend. Are busy with their heads down grinding. Rating genius of a work that is actually going to have an impact on humanity and well quite frankly will not. Kill brain cells like one would essentially kill by just. Farting around on. Telegram in coinmarketcap end speculating on well complete Nutter. Bullshit which really describes and summarizes ninety six percent of the crypto currencies out there so we're gonna talk about actual stuff that will enable you to. 

Well. Have an absolute blast and have time fly and. Well prevent you from. Going the route so many people go which is to. Chase money and seek approval in the external form the third party form wherein what I will be teaching you is how to actually source your own approval your own control your own security your own money your own well badass Stewie Griffin style of persona so what we're gonna talk about. Is the concept of what lumen would do if he were alive today would he actually create his own. 

Anti net would he create his own analog. Thinking internet which is what he created when he was alive. No one is tempted to think that if women were alive today he would opt for a digital system for taking notes for managing his own personal knowledge. And first and foremost Luman lived until nineteen ninety eight. And personal computers were introduced in nineteen seventy seven. It's like twenty years wherein he. Could actually opt to use even though was crappy back then. 

Well computers. And computers became common. In the nineteen eighties according to. A footnote that well you'll find out in the written version of this which will probably be publishing as a book some day. And one would think that an academic who largely pioneered the Informix information science space which is what Niklas Luhmann was and really the information science space of. Systems theory. You would think that he this individual will be would be at least somewhat privy to well the technologies of the information age. 

Yet Luman never moved to a digital format the only enhancements he appeared to make were basically using a typewriter to make his register. A little bit more legible and readable. Now quite frankly I'll be I'll be honest in regards to the reasoning for him using a typewriter as well to make it. More readable and more legible. I would be remiss to not point out my own quite frankly quite honestly self deception by S. beginning to kick in. You see as you know I'm a huge proponent of analog. 

Meeting of non digital of actually thinking on paper getting your thoughts out on paper because I hold and wealth research backs me on this that it hands down we'll beat out the digital form of knowledge management no taking and learning. All day every single frickin day the greatest minds who have ever lived. Used the hand written format for expressing in creating thought. I hate to break it to you. We haven't evolved that fast my friend and all of the pretentious A. 

holes out there that you probably know of I mean I know you are not one of them but because you know obviously you're listening to this and well you pass the family guy test so you're not a buzz Killington. But we all know those pretentious assholes that well they think their holier than thou and they. Our absolute wizards when it comes to typing in the digital realm and here's a hint they they suck by the way and they're not even that talented. 

And it's usually just a mask to mask their own inferiority but. The bottom line is this let's travel down this little path of Scott being well. Falling into the self deception trap so I will grant you that that it is perhaps at risk you see. Let's first start out with this like the tree of knowledge that represents good and evil and yes we're starting with fricking genesis because that's well. Maybe ironic or not ironically the best place to start for many things. 

And. You see the tree of knowledge is perhaps modern western society's most fundamental metaphor. For the concept of good versus evil. Your very own tree of knowledge that you build with your anti net is not immune to such forces meeting. The existence of good versus evil it's not as if the anti net that you are creating up all the sudden for some reason just contains purely amazing good impeccable perfect thoughts nope. That is not the case unfortunately. 

You see your anti net is susceptible to let's not call it evil but let's call it. On why this information. And the unwise information that I speak of does not derive from. Well quote. Cunning serpents in typical speak which will essentially tempt you to eat a fruit in order to become like like the gods. Rather. Then being led astray. When using your own anti net. Buy a serpent that talks because well. Let's be quite honest that is freaking absurd in. 

I want to do people actually literally believe that. I don't know. Looking preposterous. I digress. I hope it's a metaphor because I really like the metaphor and I hope people interpreted it as a metaphor and never literally okay but anyway. Any who rather than being led astray by a talking freaking serpent. When using your anti net you're gonna be able to see signs and you're gonna start to see the evidence of this very very early on you're gonna see evidence of being led astray by an even more insidious creature. 

And what is that creature that I speak of well. The creature is yourself big surprise and that's what I was getting up with the self deception you see when you were a few thoughts of your own mind and happened upon a view or an opinion that you no longer hold as true. It's much more difficult to delude yourself delude yourself into believing that well you never held such an opinion it's a lot easier to imagine that you copy and paste it something when it's well an aerial font or times new Roman and it's not in your freaking handwriting when you see it in your own hand writing it to you. 

And so. It's hard to. Deny that you ever held such an opinion when. It's staring at you directly smack in the face in your own handwriting. You see your tree of knowledge your internet is going to contain wise information. And on why this information. Or if this was in the garden of Eden it would contain good fruit and evil fruit. So it's important to express your thoughts and ideas truly of course with conviction with belief with self belief and right truly according to what you honestly hold to be the truth don't hold anything back. 

Because well self belief is critical as we all know. And really as Charlie Munger said in he's puts it best. Or. Actually he's one of the best culture another one with you as soon but Charlie Munger once said that. You should never under estimate those who over estimate themselves. You see one time he. Turns to Warren Buffett after they were in some type of interview. And the subject of Donald Trump came up. And I think the nation was still reeling in shock from his election victory. 

And so when they asked Charlie Munger who is. Warren Buffett's right hand Manden. And well a billionaire but he doesn't want to be on any of the the Forbes five hundred wealthiest list because he doesn't like the attention or the. The fame. Well he slyly with the funny little smile affixed to his face. Turned to the interview and responded. Never underestimate those who overestimate themselves. And. This. The quote also mirrors the sentiment and attitude that Kerry helper the late great copy writer the best who ever lived. 

Once. Put it about such a concept. And. As it relates to self belief he said nothing is impossible for a man who refuses to listen to reason. You see well certainly containing truth. In both of those phrases. Both Munger and Hubbard we're communicating. The DA finally. Jocko serious reality implanted within their words. They were not being literal to. A full extent. You see. At one level they were advocating that one should adopt belief in themselves yet at another level they were warning. 

Of well the power of going too far in this the power one wields. In self belief. You see. Taken to an extreme. Self belief. Can very very very quickly. Transform into self. Deception. I'm gonna say that again. Just to let it sink in and so that you can catch up with me. Self belief. Quickly transforms into self deception. Or otherwise known as self delusion. If you have read Don Quixote and well that's where the word. Ki Hardik comes from our quixotic however people prefer to pronounce that. 

Type of term. Well. That book is the first ever human literary experience of such a concept where we get to see. The relationship. Of what happens when you flirt between self belief and self. Deception. So that's not where I'm going with this today though. Where I want to take this. It is that. Self deception you should know. And here's what Charlie Munger actually continue to say on self deception is that the simple truth he said. Is that we aren't adapted to face the world as it is today. 

He then outlines and this is in one of his most famous talks about the psychology of human misjudgment. He talks about how critical evolutions environment laws for shaping the traits of our ancestors. We can learn to push our minds into alternative ways of thinking. But it isn't easy. Why isn't it easy. Well. It's simple. Self deception. Self deception is one of the most insidious by AC's in cognitive fallacies that you will ever battle against. 

That you will ever fight. And. While it is indeed presumption was. I shall admitted to declare lumen would. Opt for one hundred percent analog today if he if he were alive. I cannot claim that. You see evidenced by his type written index it seems probable that he would have experimented with building out his index in digital form for instance he may have used an excel table or some other database or data format. Which would allow him to make his life a little bit easier to sort his index in his second to brain his second mind mindedness internet alphabetically. 

If he's anything like myself and many humans than he may find himself drawn to taking things well a little bit too far L. like a step further than really he ought to have taken it. He would have probably. Played around with integrating even more aspects of his internet. Into whatever the latest digital technologies were that emerged at the time. He also if he was like myself and maybe even like you. My friend listening to this right now. He venture even further deep down a rabbit hole before realizing the reality he thought. 

He already knew. In his words as it pertains to his internet he said. Without writing there is no thinking. And by this he meant of course that. Writing. It is in the form of writing by hand. And so without writing by hand there is no thinking. So if women is well if he's like myself he would have had to experience digital writing firsthand. And only by luck or least due to his prior experience by his sub conscious knowledge constantly prodding him and pushing him back into the realm. 

Of writing by hand in thinking by hand. Only then with that lock he'd actually return to analog for writing and thinking. You see in brief it's feasible to imagine lumen using digital tools today for the aspects. Of his anti net. But only aspects. Which are non critical to the actual creation of thought. Things which could be ported to the digital realm without major implications on the probability of the anti not becoming a second mind. And. Those things. 

Those things that. Well you could. Potentially explore. Inverting into a digital format. Without it impacting your anti net and what you are building your note personal knowledge database becoming just well a digital. Database something that is. No more special than. A piece of crap this piece of software like well I'm not even going to list them but you can imagine any note taking software out there. Not the ones that I've used in order to have talked about that I still use for text editing. 

In terms of all writing and publishing. Like online content but. You can imagine things like. Well I'll just mention one of them like. Never note and I don't even say it properly but just anything that rhymes with never note. Just steer clear of it's just a dressed up pile of crap software as a service database that is useless it's a mind to suck your building someone else's analytics and brain not your own. So there are two tools that you can. Explore digitizing influence anti net. 

And in the system of building your own. Internet with the tree structure. End of those two tools are. Something I'll share with you tomorrow my friend. Scott shepherd over and out signing off from Little Italy actually known downtown is seen Diego at my office one American plots on most beautiful building in San Diego California yes Scott you're presenting often get it tell you what those two tools are tomorrow that you can. Digitize in your internet with out it. 

Impacting the probability of you creating and building in interacting with and communicating with. A second mind. So tell them. Stay tuned sketch ever setting off.